Ep.8: Which is better, Safari or Google Chrome?


About this Episode

Are you ready for the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN?! This. Is. It. We put Google Chrome and Apple Safari to the test, but only one will come out a winner. 🏆 Follow along with Maud’Dib Chrome and Maud’Dib Safari as they go head-to-head to figure out which web browser is best. Keep watching to find out which one will come out on top and let us know which web browser 🖥 you prefer! 

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✏️Quote from: Annalyn Sarmiento @annalyncs


vs. Chrome




Puno:  Muad’Dib, you just need to call, you know, if you're going to be out late? I just get worried, you know, I mean there's one-

Computer:  You've got mail!

Puno:  Oh wait, I got an email. just, you know, be safe. Have fun with your friends, and I'll talk to you later. Okay. I love you. Say it. Say it. Okay. Thank you. Bye.

Puno:  Email. Yay. "Hey Puno-" that's my name, yeah, that's good.

Puno:  "Lately I've been thinking about switching up my web browser." [Gasps]. Breakup is about to happen.

Puno:  "Which is better? Safari or Google Chrome?" -Sean Bender AKA Sean Bender.

Puno:  Fabulous question. Let's do an app debate.


Puno:  Hello! Welcome to App Debate! Which web browser is better? Safari or Chrome? Let's introduce today's guests. From Hamilton, Ontario, Muad'Dib Safari. [Crowd Cheers].

Safari:  Hi, I love Apple. I wait in all the lines!

Puno:  And from Highland Park, California, Muad'Dib Chrome. [Cheers]

Chrome:  Hi. Thank you for the introduction. We not related, but you know, because last name, different. Middle name Google though. Hi!

Puno:  Yeah, let's be app debate begin!

Chrome:  Okay. My favorite time is poll time. I love poll time. So we asked questions and the ilovecreatives newsletter, and we asked what people liked: Chrome versus Safari.

Safari:  76% voted for Chrome.

Chrome:  Okay, let's read the answers. So @analynncs, she says, "I'm a front end developer, so Chrome Dev tools are a necessity. Plus all the extensions for web development and lifestyle make my life so much easier. Never ending Netflix extension has been life changing."

Chrome:  Hold up. What is that?

Safari:  I don't know. I never use, I'm going to check it out.

Chrome:  Oh, new categories. Very cool.

Safari:  Oh Man. Have you seen Patriot Act with Hassan Monash? So good.

Chrome:  So good. Yeah, I think that's something we can agree on.

Safari:  Totally.

Chrome:  Okay, that's great. and all, but let's move on to the first debate topic: Windows compatibility.

Safari:  Okay. So I'll start. Damn. Only Safari 5 is available for Windows. We have Safari 11 now [laughs]. Damn, we do not support Windows, but no one uses windows.

Chrome:  Um, hello, in the US, Windows is used 76% on desktop.

Safari:  Okay. Okay. I can read statistics to you too! On mobile, 52% use iOS.

Chrome:  Well, 47% are on Android. Have you seen new pixel? It's so cute, right?

Safari:  It's okay.

Chrome:  Okay, I win this one. Next up: power conservation.

Safari:  All right, I want to talk first. Safari 11 is optimized to save battery life. You know, we made the computer too. So let me tell you. Chrome's bad. Your CPU is so hot. You know how you like all your extensions? That's making your battery life go down real quick. And here's the real tea- my friend on zitzang.com, he did a power test and Safari wins!

Chrome:  Yeah. Okay. Okay. But it's only saving you battery like a few hours maybe. You got to keep it in perspective, but I'll let you win this one.

Puno:  Okay, next up: extensions.

Chrome:  I'm going to start this one. Okay, you can't beat Chrome. Okay. We have the widest and deepest extension ecosystem out of all web browsers. Like I love like Web Phone, Earth View, Window Resizer, Full Pay Screenshot, Visual Ping, One Password...

Safari:  Okay. Okay. We get it, you love extensions. We're not as extensive, but we're adding more.

Chrome:  Yeah! Chrome! [Cheers]

Safari:  Next one: speed.

Chrome:  Okay, might as well hand me a trophy now because Macworlds benchmarks proves Safari is the fastest web browser in 2017. Hey, yo!

Safari:  An experiment by macworld? That's not biased at all, but I looked at the report and okay, you win by a millisecond, so you can have this one, but it's not a deal breaker for most people.

Chrome:  Speak for yourself. You're a cat! Mobile desktop syncing on iPhone. You have to download the Chrome app, but stupid iPhone won't let you change a default browser. That's cold blooded, Safari!

Safari:  I guess if you have to force people to browse a dictatorship.

Chrome:  If you had Android, obviously that doesn't matter.

Safari:  Okay. Well you can't have Safari on Android. So same.

Chrome:  Oh no you didn't. I think you chose not to put safari on Android. Just like when you ghosted Windows. five years ago.

Safari:  Well, it's still easier to use Safari on iPhone. You can save URLs to the home screen on iPhone, you know that, right?

Chrome:  Yeah. Well, okay, I think this is tight.

Safari:  Yeah. Okay.

Chrome:  Chrome! Safari! Web developer tools. I'll let you go first, Muad'Dib Safari.

Safari:  Uhhhhhh...

Chrome:  Yeah. You know, it's better

Chrome:  Bing! Chrome! [Cheers].

Chrome:  Multiple user profiles.

Safari:  Dammit. I don't even know what this is. Why would you need this anyways?

Chrome:  Muad'Dib Safari, you're so old school. Not everyone knows about this, but it's a real time saver. I'll show you. Come with me.... [Music].

Chrome:  Okay, look over there. That's Muad'Dib. She's a web design freelancer. That's green tea. Matcha latte. So good.

Freelancer:  Oh wow. Love working at coffee shop sand using free Wifi. So nice. Time to update all my clients' websites! Must log into each website now. Huh, crap. I don't remember the website URL or password. Eh.......

Chrome:  What are you doing? Use Chrome profiles.

Freelancer:  What?

Chrome:  You can have profiles per client. You never have to log in or log out. All your bookmarks are unique to your profile. It's big time saver! I mean, I'm done with my work already, and I'm going to get margaritas. You coming?

Freelancer:  Uhhh...

Chrome:  Haha. That was joke. Maybe you'll set up Chrome profiles now.

Freelancer:  Okay. What time is it?

Chrome:  It's Margarita time! Bye! [Music]

Puno:  Okay, fantastic! Let's tally up the score!

Puno:  Windows compatibility: Chrome.

Chrome:  Yeah! Windows. I guess... that's a win.

Puno:  Power consumption: Safari.

Safari:  Yay battery life!

Puno:  Extensions: Chrome.

Chrome:  You know I love Whatthefont, Streak, Earth View, Window Resizer....

Puno:  Okay, speed: Safari

Safari:  It's true! Like I said, vroom!

Chrome:  But under the speed limit... it's a real umbrella.

Puno:  Mobile desktop syncing: Chrome and Safari. .

Chrome:  Yeah, whatever. That's fine.

Puno:  Web developer tools: Chrome.

Chrome:  BLANK?

Speaker 5:  Multiple user profiles: Chrome.

Chrome:  Yeah! Margarita time! [Music].

Chrome:  Yay! I Win! I got money on my mic, can never get enough. Every time I step up in the building, everybody's hands go up and they stay there and they stay there!


Puno:  Anyways, click the subscribe and then head to www.ilovecreatives.com and subscribe to the ilovecreative's weekly newsletter for the next app debate. Still here? Okay, that's cool. Watch this one and this one. 
