Kaiya Inouye

I feel like Megumi did a really good job showing both the structure of how this works, but then also, this is what it’s visually doing on the website. So they actually connect. For me as a learner, the logic and the language of the coding is so intimidating because I’m not sure what that’s supposed to look like on the other end. I feel like Megumi did a really good job connecting the two.

It was surprising to me just how open book Shopify is compared to the others, where there’s only so much you can actually get access to. Like my personal website has been on Squarespace for a while, and you can only get access to the CSS and that’s it. Everything so hidden, which I guess is fine if you want to only work with the constraints of what’s there. But I was so happily surprised by looking at Shopify and being like, I can touch everything.

Shopify Course